Hey guys,

I wanted to bring attention to a tool I created for gathering cluster
details for debugging purposes. There are a number of locations that
properties get materialized, e.g. from Ambari -> properties file -> flux ->
Storm, which means a lot of hunting to guarantee that the changes you've
made are percolating correctly. Furthermore, it's generally useful to get a
sense of how your cluster is configured by gathering all of that info in
one place. I created a Python tool that does just that, and bundles up the
results in a tarball. Here is an overview of the artifacts I'm gathering -
you can see what commands are being used by looking at the script.

    full cluster config detail

    cluster summary
    cluster configuration
    topology summary (enrichments and indexing)
    topology status summary (enrichments and indexing)

    broker info
    topics list
    topic details (enrichments and indexing)

    local file system configuration files
    zookeeper configuration
    flux files
    lib directory file listing
    rpm listing

    version info

*** Are there any features/details you'd like to see added to this? Any
concerns or suggestions? ***

I am  also planning to add log file support along with md5sum of the jar
files deployed in Metron's lib directory.


Mike Miklavcic

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