
On May 2, 2019 at 21:18:21, Michael Miklavcic (michael.miklav...@gmail.com)

Here's the latest discussion on the subject:

I'd like to propose a vote to change our dev guidelines which will clarify
the tooling we use to produce diagrams and share the source files for those
diagrams. I propose the dev guidelines
PR checklist
changed in the following ways:

1. Under "1.1 Contributing A Code Change"
1. Change <<"New features and significant bug fixes should be
documented in the JIRA and appropriate architecture diagrams should be
attached. Major features may require a vote.">> to <<"New features
and significant bug fixes should be documented in the JIRA. Appropriate
architecture diagrams should be created in https://www.draw.io/
and committed
to source control as per section 2.4. Diagrams may be requested of PR
submitters during review either as documentation or as an aid to the
reviewer. Major features may also require a vote.">>
2. Under "2.4 Documentation"
1. New line item <<"Diagrams - We save architecture diagram source
files in an xml format rendered by draw.io (instructions below). This
is the free tool of choice that we've agreed to use for exchanging
diagrams and their source files in Metron.">>
2. New line item <<Image and diagram source files belong in
"<module-name>/images-source" and rendered diagrams and images belong in
3. New subsection <<"Creating and Modifying Diagrams">>. This section
would provide basic instructions for downloading source files from
3. Add a new checkbox item under PR checklist heading "For documentation
related changes" with the following text
1. Have you ensured that any documentation diagrams have been
updated, along with their source files, using draw.io? See
4. Here is the Jira for migrating/redoing existing diagrams
1. https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/METRON-2099

We require a minimum of 72 hours for a vote, not typically including
weekend days. I'd like to leave this vote open until Wednesday 5/8, 12PM
EDT. Please vote +1, -1, or 0 to abstain, and also indicate if your vote is
binding or non-binding.

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