This is a great topic, thanks for posting it.

1. My team is focussed or about to use 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 (ES), 13, 14. 
We are in for the long haul and I'm personally very excited to have a (very 
small), part to play working in Metron.
2. I have only been working with Metron a short time, my initial feeling has 
been the system feels tightly coupled in some ways, however that might be my 
own inexperience and other factors. I feel the documentation could be reviewed 
and improved, not the documentation from commercial groups, rather the 
user-community driven docs. I find the user community documents are much richer 
and frankly offer more information when you are prepared to go digging.
4. My own experience is the largest barrier, although I'm working on that.


On 2019-10-17, 9:22 AM, "Michael Miklavcic" <> 

    I'd like to kick off a discussion to get a sense of how the broader
    community is currently using Metron.
       1. What features are you using or seriously considering? e.g.
          1. enrichments
          2. streaming enrichments
          3. profiler
          4. pcap
          5. flatfile summarizer
          6. MaaS
          7. Meta alerts
          8. parser aggregation
          9. config UI
          10. alert UI
          11. solr, ES
          12. Stellar
          13. Stellar REPL
          14. REST API
          15. other?
       2. What features would you like to see added or improved?
       3. What features do you consider to be core to Metron as a platform?
       4. If you're using Metron, but not an active community contributor, what
       would it take to get you more involved in the project?
    We are close to finishing up a feature branch around upgrading to HDP 3.1,
    and subsequently on the doorstep of a 1.0 release. This is a huge milestone
    for the project. I think it's time to take some lessons learned over the
    past several years and consider what the next phase of Metron will be.
    Whether you've participated in community discussions before or not, we'd
    love to hear from you.
    Mike Miklavcic
    PMC Apache Metron

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