Thanks Michael,
I am using Ubuntu 19.10, 32GB RAM, i7 (12 cores),
Vagrant machine is obviously on CentOS 7, I've given it 16GB RAM.

On investigation the issue was with a Yum repo , the error is following

RuntimeError: Failed to execute command '/usr/bin/yum -y install unzip', exited 
with code '1', message: 
 [Errno 14] HTTPS Error 401 - Unauthorized

Trying other mirror.

 One of the configured repositories failed (HDP-3.1-repo-1),

I have searched the available repos but apparently for HDP 3.1.5 
 it requires credentials. (e.g

For acquiring these I'd have to file a case on cloudera support, but when i 
reach there it says: 'Access to page is restricted'.  Later I got to know that 
I have to purchase their product since it is behind a payment wall 

If you have any information of a work around do let me know..

From: Michael Miklavcic <>
Sent: Monday, March 2, 2020 10:07 AM
To: <>
Subject: Re: Failing to Setup Apache Metron Dev Machine using Vagrant (Require 
Assistance and Guidance)

Head over to Ambari http://node1:8080 and click the activity icon (should
be somewhere along the top menu bar). You should be able to see more
details about what Ambari was doing at the time of failure. It's possible
there were just some minor issues in starting up the services. If that's
the case, then I think all you'll need to do is start them up manually.

FYI, HDP 3.1 should be deployed on CentOS 7 only. Also, the Vagrant
environment should have at least 8 GB of mem allocated for it (that's our

On Sun, Mar 1, 2020 at 5:39 AM Abid Zaidi <> wrote:

> I am setting up centos7 single node VM through vagrant for Dev Environment,
> I already tried centos6 from other branches and got no luck in that,
> So I check out branch of METRON-2088-SUPPORT-HDP-3.1 and followed the
> ReadMe, before starting I ran and everything looked good..
> On Vagrant Up it just fails on Metron_config with message
> [node1]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "msg": "Request failed with status
> At this point I could open ambari but all services were down and each of
> them said the same thing, Failed to install service, Below is the link to
> my logs:
> This is the furthest I've come to deploying, even with the CentOS 6 I came
> this far,
> I then also tried provision with following command,
> env ANSIBLE_ARGS=' -vvvv' vagrant --ansible-tags="hdp-deploy" provision
> I've done this 2-3 times and I reach to this same point,
> I need to setup a Dev Environment where I could add a few more features in
> Apache Metron's REST API with UI pages on the front-end. I seem to be far
> away from my targets as I am unable to start up the vagrant machine, It
> would be good if a Metron Developer could guide me with what I'm trying to
> achieve.
> Regards,
> Abid Zaidi.

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