If no one else has additional comments should I put this up for a vote?


20.12.2016, 09:15, "James Sirota" <jsir...@apache.org>:
> You are correct. This thread is about the release process:
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=66854770
> Does anyone have additional opinions on this?
> 1. Maintenance release would just contain patches to the existing release. 
> Feature release would contain everything, including patches and new features.
> 2. The intention is to rotate the build manager. I did it for the first few 
> releases, then Casey did it for the next few releasees, someone else will 
> probably do it for the next few releases, etc...
> Does this seem reasonable to everyone?
> Thanks,
> James
> 18.12.2016, 18:15, "Kyle Richardson" <kylerichards...@gmail.com>:
>>  I think this thread got commingled with the discussion on Coding
>>  Guidelines. The wiki page on the Release Process is at
>>  https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=66854770.
>>  Overall, a really informative document. Thanks for pulling this together.
>>  Two questions:
>>  1) I'm a little confused about how the feature release and maintenance
>>  release branches are going to work. Is the idea that all PRs will be merged
>>  into master and then also be committed to a FR++ or a MR++ branch (or maybe
>>  even both)?
>>  2) Are these steps to be taken by a release manager only or is the
>>  intention that other committers or PMC members rotate through this
>>  responsibly? Just curious. I actually kind of like the idea of shuffling
>>  the duty every now and then to avoid burnout by one person.
>>  -Kyle
>>  On Fri, Dec 16, 2016 at 1:31 PM, James Sirota <jsir...@apache.org> wrote:
>>>   fixed the link and made one addition that a qualified reviewer is a
>>>   committer or PPMC member
>>>   16.12.2016, 11:07, "zeo...@gmail.com" <zeo...@gmail.com>:
>>>   > Right, I agree. That change looks good to me.
>>>   >
>>>   > Looks like the Log4j levels links is broken too.
>>>   >
>>>   > For a broken travis - how about "If somehow the tests get into a failing
>>>   > state on master (such as by a backwards incompatible release of a
>>>   > dependency) only pull requests intended to rectify master may be merged,
>>>   > and the removal or disabling of any tests must be +1'd by two 
>>> reviewers."
>>>   >
>>>   > Also, reading through this, should there should be a delineation between
>>>   a
>>>   > "reviewer" and somebody who has the ability to vote/+1 a PR? Unless I'm
>>>   > missing something, right now it looks open to anybody.
>>>   >
>>>   > Jon
>>>   >
>>>   > On Fri, Dec 16, 2016 at 12:48 PM Nick Allen <n...@nickallen.org> wrote:
>>>   >
>>>   > Personally, I don't think it matters who merges the pull request. As 
>>> long
>>>   > as you meet the requirements for code review, then anyone should be able
>>>   to
>>>   > merge it. In fact, I'd rather have the person who knows most about the
>>>   > change actually merge it into master to ensure that it goes smoothly.
>>>   >
>>>   > On Fri, Dec 16, 2016 at 12:15 PM, James Sirota <jsir...@apache.org>
>>>   wrote:
>>>   >
>>>   >> Jon, for #2 I changed it to: A committer may merge their own pull
>>>   request,
>>>   >> but only after a second reviewer has given it a +1.
>>>   >>
>>>   >> 16.12.2016, 10:07, "zeo...@gmail.com" <zeo...@gmail.com>:
>>>   >> > I made some minor changes to the doc - check out the history
>>>   >> > <https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/pages/
>>>   viewpreviousversions.action?
>>>   >> pageId=61332235>
>>>   >> > if you have any concerns.
>>>   >> >
>>>   >> > Regarding the larger doc -
>>>   >> > 1. Not everybody can assign JIRAs to themselves. I recall I had to
>>>   >> request
>>>   >> > this access, so that should probably be mentioned.
>>>   >> > 2. "A committer may never merge their own pull request, a second
>>>   party
>>>   >> must
>>>   >> > merge their changes after it has be properly reviewed."
>>>   >> > - Is this still true/accurate? I heard both ways.
>>>   >> > 3. "If somehow the tests get into a failing state on master (such as
>>>   by
>>>   >
>>>   > a
>>>   >> > backwards incompatible release of a dependency) no pull requests may
>>>   be
>>>   >> > merged until this is rectified."
>>>   >> > - Maybe this should get reassessed using the
>>>   >> > <https://github.com/apache/incubator-metron/pull/383> most
>>>   >> > <https://github.com/apache/incubator-metron/pull/381> recent
>>>   >> > <https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/METRON-601> build
>>>   >> > <https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/METRON-597> failures
>>>   >> > <https://github.com/apache/incubator-metron/pull/380> as a valuable
>>>   case
>>>   >> > study.
>>>   >> >
>>>   >> > Jon
>>>   >> >
>>>   >> > On Fri, Dec 16, 2016 at 11:38 AM James Sirota <jsir...@apache.org>
>>>   >> wrote:
>>>   >> >
>>>   >> >> I threw together a draft document for our release process. Would you
>>>   >> want
>>>   >> >> to add/change/delete anything?
>>>   >> >>
>>>   >> >> -------------------
>>>   >> >> Thank you,
>>>   >> >>
>>>   >> >> James Sirota
>>>   >> >> PPMC- Apache Metron (Incubating)
>>>   >> >> jsirota AT apache DOT org
>>>   >> > --
>>>   >> >
>>>   >> > Jon
>>>   >> >
>>>   >> > Sent from my mobile device
>>>   >>
>>>   >> -------------------
>>>   >> Thank you,
>>>   >>
>>>   >> James Sirota
>>>   >> PPMC- Apache Metron (Incubating)
>>>   >> jsirota AT apache DOT org
>>>   >
>>>   > --
>>>   > Nick Allen <n...@nickallen.org>
>>>   >
>>>   > --
>>>   >
>>>   > Jon
>>>   >
>>>   > Sent from my mobile device
>>>   -------------------
>>>   Thank you,
>>>   James Sirota
>>>   PPMC- Apache Metron (Incubating)
>>>   jsirota AT apache DOT org
> -------------------
> Thank you,
> James Sirota
> PPMC- Apache Metron (Incubating)
> jsirota AT apache DOT org

Thank you,

James Sirota
PPMC- Apache Metron (Incubating)
jsirota AT apache DOT org

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