Github user cestella commented on the issue:
    # Testing Plan
    ## Preliminaries
    * Please perform the following tests on the `full-dev` vagrant environment.
    * Set an environment variable to indicate `METRON_HOME`:
    `export METRON_HOME=/usr/metron/0.3.1` 
    ## Ensure Data Flows from the Indices
    Ensure that with a basic full-dev we get data into the elasticsearch
    indices and into HDFS.
    ## (Optional) Free Up Space on the virtual machine
    First, let's free up some headroom on the virtual machine.  If you are 
running this on a
    multinode cluster, you would not have to do this.
    * Stop and disable Metron in Ambari
    * Kill monit via `service monit stop`
    * Kill tcpreplay via `for i in $(ps -ef | grep tcpreplay | awk '{print 
$2}');do kill -9 $i;done`
    * Kill yaf via `for i in $(ps -ef | grep yaf | awk '{print $2}');do kill -9 
    * Kill bro via `for i in $(ps -ef | grep bro | awk '{print $2}');do kill -9 
    ## Test the PCAP topology
    A new kafka spout necessitates testing pcap.
    ### Install and start pycapa 
    # set env vars
    export PYCAPA_HOME=/opt/pycapa
    export PYTHON27_HOME=/opt/rh/python27/root
    # Install these packages via yum (RHEL, CentOS)
    yum -y install epel-release centos-release-scl 
    yum -y install "@Development tools" python27 python27-scldevel 
python27-python-virtualenv libpcap-devel libselinux-python
    # Setup directories
    mkdir $PYCAPA_HOME && chmod 755 $PYCAPA_HOME
    #Grab pycapa from git 
    cd ~
    git clone
    cp -R ~/incubator-metron/metron-sensors/pycapa* $PYCAPA_HOME
    # Create virtualenv
    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/opt/rh/python27/root/usr/lib64"
    # Build it
    cd ${PYCAPA_HOME}
    ${PYTHON27_HOME}/usr/bin/virtualenv pycapa-venv
    cd ${PYCAPA_HOME}/pycapa
    # activate the virtualenv
    source ${PYCAPA_HOME}/pycapa-venv/bin/activate
    pip install -r requirements.txt
    python install
    # Run it
    cd ${PYCAPA_HOME}/pycapa-venv/bin
    pycapa --producer --topic pcap -i eth1 -k node1:6667
    ### Ensure pycapa can write to HDFS
    * Ensure that `/apps/metron/pcap` exists and can be written to by the
      storm user.  If not, then:
    sudo su - hdfs
    hadoop fs -mkdir -p /apps/metron/pcap
    hadoop fs -chown metron:hadoop /apps/metron/pcap
    hadoop fs -chmod 775 /apps/metron/pcap
    * Start the pcap topology via `$METRON_HOME/bin/`
    * Watch the topology in the Storm UI and kill the packet capture utility 
from before, when the number of packets ingested is over 3k.  Ensure that at at 
least 3 files exist on HDFS by running `hadoop fs -ls /apps/metron/pcap`
    * Choose a file (denoted by $FILE) and dump a few of the contents using the 
pcap_inspector utility via `$METRON_HOME/bin/ -i $FILE -n 5`
    * Choose one of the lines and note the `ip_dst_port`.
      * Note that when you run the commands below, the resulting file will be 
placed in the execution directory where you kicked off the job from.
    * Run a Stellar query filter query by executing a command similar to the 
following, with the values noted above (match your start_time format to the 
date format provided - default is to use millis since epoch):
    $METRON_HOME/bin/ query -st "20160617" -df "yyyyMMdd" -query 
"ip_dst_port == 22" -rpf 500
      * Note that if your MR job fails because of a lack of user directory for 
`root`, then the following will create the directory appropriately:
    sudo su - hdfs
    hadoop fs -mkdir /user/root
    hadoop fs -chown root:hadoop /user/root
    hadoop fs -chmod 755 /user/root
    * Verify the MR job finishes successfully. Upon completion, you should see 
multiple files named with relatively current datestamps in your current 
directory, e.g. pcap-data-20160617160549737+0000.pcap
    * Copy the files to your local machine and verify you can them it in 
Wireshark. Open the files and ensure that they contain only packets to the 
destination port in question. 
    ## Test the Profiler
    ### Setup
    * Ensure that Metron is stopped and put in maintenance mode in Ambari
    * Create the profiler hbase table
    `echo "create 'profiler', 'P'" | hbase shell`
    * Open `~/` and paste the following:
    import random
    import sys
    import time
    def main():
      mu = float(sys.argv[1])
      sigma = float(sys.argv[2])
      freq_s = int(sys.argv[3])
      while True:
        out = '{ "value" : ' + str(random.gauss(mu, sigma)) + ' }'
        print out
    if __name__ == '__main__':
    This will generate random JSON maps with a numeric field called `value`
    * From your metron build, copy up the profiler bundle:
    * From `$METRON_HOME` on `node1`:
    tar xzvf metron-profiler-*.tar.gz
    * Set the profiler to use 1 minute tick durations:
      * Edit `$METRON_HOME/config/` to adjust the capture 
duration by changing `profiler.period.duration=15` to 
      * Edit `$METRON_HOME/config/zookeeper/global.json` and add the following 
    "profiler.client.period.duration" : "1",
    "profiler.client.period.duration.units" : "MINUTES"
    ### Deploy the custom parser
    * Edit the value parser config at 
      "fieldTransformations" : [
        "transformation" : "STELLAR"
       ,"output" : [ "num_profiles_parser", "mean_parser" ]
       ,"config" : {
          "num_profiles_parser" : "LENGTH(PROFILE_GET('stat', 'global', 
PROFILE_WINDOW('from 5 minutes ago')))",
          "mean_parser" : "STATS_MEAN(STATS_MERGE(PROFILE_GET('stat', 'global', 
PROFILE_WINDOW('from 5 minutes ago'))))"
    * Edit the value enrichment config at 
      "enrichment" : {
       "fieldMap": {
          "stellar" : {
            "config" : {
            "num_profiles_enrichment" : "LENGTH(PROFILE_GET('stat', 'global', 
PROFILE_WINDOW('from 5 minutes ago')))",
            "mean_enrichment" : "STATS_MEAN(STATS_MERGE(PROFILE_GET('stat', 
'global', PROFILE_WINDOW('from 5 minutes ago'))))"
    * Create the value kafka topic:
      `/usr/hdp/current/kafka-broker/bin/ --zookeeper node1:2181 
--create --topic value --partitions 1 --replication-factor 1`
    ### Start the profiler
    * Edit `$METRON_HOME/config/zookeeper/profiler.json` and paste in the 
      "profiles": [
          "profile": "stat",
          "foreach": "'global'",
          "onlyif": "source.type == 'value'",
          "init" : {
          "update": {
            "s": "STATS_ADD(s, value)"
          "result": "s"
    ### Test Case
    * Push the configs via `$METRON_HOME/bin/ -m PUSH -i 
$METRON_HOME/config/zookeeper -z node1:2181`
    * Start via `$METRON_HOME/bin/ -k node1:6667 -z 
node1:2181 -s value`
    * Start the enrichment topology via 
    * Start the indexing topology via 
    * Start the profiler topology via 
    * Set up a profile to accept some synthetic data with a numeric `value` 
field and persist a stats summary of the data
    * Send some synthetic data directly to the profiler:
    `python ~/ 0 1 1 | 
/usr/hdp/current/kafka-broker/bin/ --broker-list 
node1:6667 --topic value`
    * Wait for at least 15 minutes and execute the following via the Stellar 
    # Grab the profiles from 1 minute ago to 8 minutes ago
    LENGTH(PROFILE_GET('stat', 'global', PROFILE_WINDOW('from 5 minutes ago')))
    # Looks like 4 or 5 were returned, great 
    For me, the following was the result:
    Stellar, Go!
    Please note that functions are loading lazily in the background and will
    be unavailable until loaded fully.
    {es.clustername=metron, es.ip=node1:9300,,
    parser.error.topic=indexing, profiler.client.period.duration=1,
    [Stellar]>>> # Grab the profiles from 1 minute ago to 8 minutes ago
    [Stellar]>>> LENGTH(PROFILE_GET('stat', 'global', PROFILE_WINDOW('from 5
    minutes ago')))
    Functions loaded, you may refer to functions now...
    [Stellar]>>> # Looks like 4 or 5 were returned, great
    * Delete any value index that currently exists (if any do) via `curl 
-XDELETE "http://localhost:9200/value*"`
    * Wait for a couple of seconds and run the following:
    curl -XPOST 'http://localhost:9200/value*/_search?pretty' -d '
      "_source" : [ "num_profiles_parser", "num_profiles_enrichment", 
"mean_enrichment", "mean_parser"]
    * You should see values in the index with non-zero fields:
         * `num_profiles_enrichment` should be 5
         * `num_profiles_parser` should be 5
         * `mean_enrichment` should be a non-zero double
         * `mean_parser` should be a non-zero double
    For reference, a sample message for me is:
      "num_profiles_parser" : 5,
        "mean_enrichment" : 0.004850856309056547,
        "num_profiles_enrichment" : 5,
        "mean_parser" : 0.004850856309056547
    ## Test Enrichment Loading
    * Download the Alexa top 1m data set
    * Stage import file
    head -n 10000 top-1m.csv > top-10k.csv
    head -n 10 top-1m.csv > top-10.csv
    hadoop fs -put top-10k.csv /tmp
    * Create an extractor.json for the CSV data by editing `extractor.json` and 
pasting in these contents:
      "config" : {
        "zk_quorum" : "node1:2181",
        "columns" : {
           "rank" : 0,
           "domain" : 1
        "value_transform" : {
           "domain" : "DOMAIN_REMOVE_TLD(domain)",
           "port" : "es.port"
        "value_filter" : "LENGTH(domain) > 0",
        "indicator_column" : "domain",
        "indicator_transform" : {
           "indicator" : "DOMAIN_REMOVE_TLD(indicator)"
        "indicator_filter" : "LENGTH(indicator) > 0",
        "type" : "top_domains",
        "separator" : ","
      "extractor" : "CSV"
    ### Test Flat File
    * You should see 9275 records in HBase. (Less than the perhaps expected 10k)
    `echo "truncate 'enrichment'" | hbase shell && 
$METRON_HOME/bin/ -i ./top-10k.csv -t enrichment -c t -e 
./extractor.json -p 5 -b 128 && echo "count 'enrichment'" | hbase shell`
    ### Test MR Job
    * You should see 9275 records in HBase. (Less than the perhaps expected 10k)
    `echo "truncate 'enrichment'" | hbase shell && 
$METRON_HOME/bin/ -i /tmp/top-10k.csv -t enrichment -c t -e 
./extractor.json -m MR && echo "count 'enrichment'" | hbase shell`

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