Trustin Lee wrote:
> 2) I also think mina-protocol-http-client module needs more work to
> provide enough features to compare with existing HTTP client libraries
> such as Jakarta HttpComponents, so moving it into sandbox might be a
> better solution considering that we are going to release MINA 2.0.0-M1
> soon and we don't want to release unfinished module.  It also might be
> the best idea to cooperate with HttpComponents team to make our
> current HTTP codec (i.e. mina-filter-codec-http) and mina-core plug
> into HttpComponents NIO extension very easily.  I'd like to know what
> the HttpComponents team think about this issue.

Trustin, I have a lot more code to contribute in this area as it is
currently here:

This version contains authentication for Basic, Digest, and NTLM and is
much more robust.

I am currently working on connection reuse and caching and pooling for
those HTTP/1.1 connections that support keep-alives.  I am also working
on allowing the NIO socket level attributes to be set as well as client
SSL certificate authentication and Proxy Auth capabilities.


> Trustin

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