Yes, please open a JIRA on this.  According to the HTTP spec, anything
with content should have a content line.  However, there does appear to
be a site that is not compliant ( and
probably more... thus we could fall back to reading until there is no
more data.  However, this concerns me as a possible buffer/memory
problem (it would then be easy to crash a Mina client).  Anyone have an
opinion on this?


Vishal_Jain wrote:
> Is there a JIRA id for this issue ? 
> or any workarounds ?
> vishal
> berdim99 wrote:
>> Hi.
>> It seems that AsyncHttpClient fails to decode a web page in which the
>> web-server doesn't send a content-length header.
>> What happens is that the callback is called with a null content, after
>> which the decoder throws an exception because it thinks that the rest of
>> the incoming data are of a new HTTP response (but they are actually the
>> previous response content).
>> (Such web site is
>> Any help is appreciated.
>> Micha.

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