Thank you and I am honored. ;-)

I am a big fan of Mina and have been for quite a while and am excited to
step up and help out.

About me...I am a Apache junkie of sorts as I am a committer on
Geronimo, OpenEJB, ServiceMix, and CXF.  more or less a Java dude (Ill
bet ya couldn't tell).

Thanks again!


Alex Karasulu wrote:
> Hi all,
> We have a new committer, Jeff Genender,  who's a committer other projects
> here at the ASF and a member of the foundation as well.  He's great guy and
> has been working on some of the http client code and is pretty excited about
> MINA ... let me stop putting words in his mouth though.  Jeff go ahead and
> tell us about yourself if you have a minute.
> Welcome!
> Alex

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