On Thu, Apr 16, 2009 at 11:00, Niklas Gustavsson <nik...@protocol7.com> wrote:
> On Thu, Apr 16, 2009 at 10:48 AM, Julien Vermillard
> <jvermill...@archean.fr> wrote:
>> Let's start the move :)
> Okay, down to the practicals then. Bernd, to you feel comfortable with
> the (limited) outcome of the discussion over at Labs?

Yes and no. I'm satisfied with Bertrand's response but not with the
number of participants.
I've sent an update to labs@ a few minutes ago.
I will start a vote now at labs@ to move Vysper here. We have to
involve the Labs PMC, because it is the 'owner' of the Vysper code.
Will take a few more days to complete, but no hurry. ;-)

> Also, could you
> now create JIRA issues for the move according to the list you provided
> earlier?

Should I proceed now or wait till the labs vote has passed? I'm fine
with both options.

> I've created a component in the MINA JIRA project for a XMPP
> protocol. Let's use that for now and then create a separate JIRA
> project for Vysper as we have for the other subprojects.

Ok, great. Thanks.

In addition, please note that there is a GSoC applicant for Vysper
this year, Michael Jakl.
He proposed to implement PubSub within Vysper, an important extension
to XMPP ( http://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0060.html ).
Whether or not he will be accepted we will not know until Sun 20th at 1900 UTC.


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