Updating the list... changed entries are starred*

Should keep us busy a few days... ;-)

On Thu, Apr 16, 2009 at 13:43, Bernd Fondermann
<bernd.fonderm...@googlemail.com> wrote:
>> this is a probably incomplete list of things to do to move Vysper over here.

+ DONE: ratify reception of code (MINA)
+ ratify Vysper lab completion on Labs side (vote, pending)
+ (optional) do additional steps as required to move from Labs to
MINA, for example moving through Incubator


+ check dependencies, NOTICE, LICENSE etc.
+ provide a list of contributors and contributions to Vysper
+ update the crypto notice for Vysper*

+ create Vysper JIRA project*
+ move LABS/Vysper JIRAs
+ move Vysper svn
+ create Vysper confluence space*
+ move Vysper's cwiki pages
- DO NOT create Vysper mailing list vysper-...@mina.apache.org*
+ setup continuous integration?

CODE (after svn move)
+ adjust code to MINA conventions (headers etc.)
+ use maven for build

+ grant berndf committer karma for Vysper
+ grant berndf editor karma for Vysper confluence space*


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