On Fri, May 22, 2009 at 12:41 AM, Emmanuel Lecharny
<elecha...@apache.org> wrote:
> Can someone give me instruction on how to do that, it seems that the site is
> not really up to date
> (http://mina.apache.org/developer-guide.html#DeveloperGuide-ReleasingaPointRelease%2528CommittersOnly%2529)

When I released M5, I pretty much use the procedure we use for
FtpServer (http://mina.apache.org/ftpserver/releasing.html). However,
one problem with it is that we don't use the Maven deployment plugin
to deploy to the Apache repo and thus screw up the Maven metadata. I
will try having this fixed for 1.0.2, maybe we could look into having
a common procedure for all MINA projects?


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