I suppose you've configured your sshd server to launch a unix shell
such as the sh one.
This means when you run the whoami command, this unix executable will
return the current unix user.
Unfortunately, sshd is not integrated with the unix security layer at
this point, so the user will be the
one that launched the sshd server and not the user of the ssh session.

For sshd to be fully integrated, we need to use the unix PAM
mechanism.  There is a maven module which
has been started some time ago which contain a basic authenticator
using PAM, which means that users
authentication can actually be delegated to the unix system.
Unfortunately this integration is not complete
and the shell is not started with the proper credentials, so that even
in this case, whoami would still
return the user that started the sshd process (I think).
The problem is that I haven't found any java pam library which is
apache licensed compatible and sufficiently
low level to allow the full integration we need.

So if you really want to behave like a real sshd server, we need to
  * find/write a better pam library (or enhanced the existing one)
  * write a pam shell factory that would login with the pam api and
start the correct shell

Hopes this helps.

On Mon, Feb 8, 2010 at 17:49,  <prashant.ghoti...@nomura.com> wrote:
> HI,
> I am using Apache MINA SSHD code. I am able to start the Sshd Server. I
> have one query.
> I am starting the server using a user say "xyz".
> I have added my authentication mechanism. Now when a user say "abc"
> login successfully on the sshd server.
> When I typed whoami ..its gives me "xyz" (the user which is used to
> start the sshd server ) rather than "abc" the actual user.
> Can anybody help me on this. Any help will be appreciated.
> Thanks
> Prashant
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