On 9/16/10 8:23 PM, Niklas Gustavsson wrote:
On Thu, Sep 16, 2010 at 6:27 PM, Emmanuel Lecharny<elecha...@gmail.com>  wrote:
As far as we don't package MINA with the rxtx.jar lib, we should be safe,
legally speaking. And it's as simple as defining the rxtx dependency as
provided, AFAIK.
I thought the idea was that the user should be made aware before Maven
downloaded rxtx. Defining it as provided won't do that.

no, but the jar won't be packaged, so the user will have to add it manually if he wants the result to work.
If we can get rid of this profile, things would be quite easier for
everybody, including the poor guy (me) trying to whip the release :/
As far as I can tell, this profile should not be related to releasing
if we do as discussed previously (not include the serial module in our
binary package).
Ok, let's get back to what we agreed on, and stop discussing now that we are so close to a release we are all expecting for months :) (sorry, that was my fault)

so here is what we will have in the release, to clarify the mess, and to be sure I'm not forgetting anything :
- we will use the -Pserial profile to build the transport-serial module
- when building the distribution, the transport-serial won't be added in the bin, but will be in the sources
- the rxtx.jar will *not* be injected in bin, obviouly
- the rxtx dependency can remain declared as <provided>, it does not harm (even if it does not protect the users from including some LGPL code in his distribution)

Is that ok ?

FYI, if you want to test the new distribution process, you can run :
mvn clean install -Papache-release -Dmaven.test.skip

all the generated packages will be found in the distribution/target directory.

I still have to check that the release does not upload the distribution module into the maven repo, this will be done tomorrow.


Emmanuel Lécharny

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