On 10/6/10 5:37 PM, Oleg Kalnichevski wrote:
On Wed, 2010-10-06 at 16:55 +0200, Emmanuel Lecharny wrote:
On 10/6/10 2:49 PM, Oleg Kalnichevski wrote:
MINA devs,

Would you be receptive to the idea of supporting a message-less (or
bare-metal, if you like) I/O mode? Essentially, I would like MINA 3.0 to
make it possible to interact directly with the underlying I/O channels
bypassing the read / write data queues altogether.
There is nothing such as a queue used for read operation. We read the
data from the channel into a buffer, and then call the messageReceived()
method through the filters chain up to he handler.

Of course, if you add an executor in the middle, then that's a different

Anyway. Maybe what you want is that the handler directly do the read,
sparing the creation of an intermediate buffer. You can't currently do
that, so the buffer will always be created and filled with data.

There are enough scenarios (especially when streaming large entities)
when this extra copy is wasteful and unnecessary. Moreover, what if the
I/O handler is simply unable to consume the message entirely without
allocating more memory?

Use MemoryMappedFile. It's supported.
For the write operation, what is currently missing in MINA 2 is the
transfertTo method which would allow you to push file contents directly
to the socket without copying it into memory. This is most certainly
something we want to have in 3.0

Again, what if the transmitted entity is not backed by a file?

This is just an example, by here, you can perfectly do something like :

do {
  WriteFuture future = session.write( data);


  if ( !future.isWritten() ) {
    // error

  // grab next piece of data
} while ( true );

In other words,
whenever a channel signals read / write readiness, the I/O selector
thread would fire an event referring to the originating channel. The
decision as to how much data can be read from or written to the channel
would be left up to the I/O handler.
Well, that does not seems very useful.
It all depends how you look at it.
(my response was supposed to be clarified by the next paragraph. However, it sounds like I'm saying that I emit an opinion, which is not the case)

  If you defer to the handler the
read and write operation on top of the channel, then why not directly
write your NIO server from scratch ? It's about 500 lines of code, all
in all, and you can even disassemble MINA to do that ...

It is a bit more if the SSL support and other bits and pieces, but this
is exactly what I have to do at the moment.
And it make complete sense. I mean, MINA is a heavy beast which offers a lot of goodies, but it comes at a price. Sometime, this price is simply too expensive...

I am perfectly aware of downsides of this approach, which are several,
but it would enable data intensive protocols such as HTTP and SMTP to
manage connection memory footprint more conservatively. For instance,
the protocol handler could attempt to preallocate a fixed and invariable
amount memory at the connection initialization time and either succeed
or fail early instead of risking the out of memory condition half way
through a transaction due to the memory flooding.
You already can manage the flooding by limitating the number of bytes
you read. As you have the complete control on the initial RcvBufferSize,
plus the control over the created buffer, you can always at some point
'kill' a session which has receive too much data.

I would very much rather prefer to avoid memory flooding instead of
having to manage it.
There is no way you can 'avoid' memory flooding, except if you limit everything :
- the message size
- the number of connected clients

which is, somehow, managing the flooding.

There is also possible to manage a threshold for every session, which
might help in this case.

For instance, in Apache DirectoryServer, we have added a parameter that
limit the size of the received PDU, this parameter can be modified for
any session. If we receive more bytes that this limit, then we close the
session. It works pretty well.
By dropping the connection in the middle of the session? Would not it be
better to pre-allocate a fixed amount of memory and have a guarantee
that more memory will not be required (at least on the transport level)?
if a session is consumming more memory than allowed, that means something wrong is going on. I then would rather kill this session which might well kill my server. Now, allocating a fixed size buffer for each session does not mitigate this risk : t just a way to consume memory you are likely not going to use, if your message are smaller.

What I mean here is that just because some session might send large chunks of data, you should not consider that all the session will do the same, and if it's the case, then allocating a fixed size for all the session will not help a lot : what will you do when the session's memory is full ?

I understand this might be too much of a radical shift from the existing
architecture, so feel free to ignore me if you find this approach
incompatible with the MINA 3.0 design concepts.
No, that's fine, it's just important to know what we already have and
what we can offer without cutting two legs to MINA :)

It is shame that by abstracting away java.nio.channels.Channel both MINA
and Netty throw away one of the best features of NIO, which is memory
In fact, it' snot throwing memory efficiency out of the door. I even think that NIO is *not* at all designed to manage memory efficiently. It's just a layer on top of sockets and select() which provide an efficient way to handle potentially hundred of thousands connection without having to created the same number of thread.

Everything else is in the hand of the server designer, ie you. Will you develop you own server on top of NIO instead of on top of Netty or MINA, you will face the *exact* same issues.

Anyways, I understand that MINA is based on a different philosophy and I
also understand the convenience of having a chain of filters that work
with messages that are essentially small chunks of memory.
No, we are not working with messages that are small chunks of memory : we work with the data being read directly from the socket, and trust me, there is no way you can manipulate those bytes without first loading them in memory, MINA or not.

The filters do nothing but add some logic around those buffers, which are not copied and copied again and again : once they have read, they aren't copied anymore.

So at the end, in the Handler, you just get what has been read from the socket, if of course you haven't used a codec or a cumulative decoder.

All in all, if you don't put *any* filter in the chain, you'll get *exactly* what you are looking for : the bytes get from *one single* read from the socket, and certainly not the gathered bytes obtained from multiple consecutive reads from the socket.

Hope it helps to understand how it really works...

Emmanuel Lécharny

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