On 12/5/11 3:52 PM, Christian Schwarz wrote:
What about mixing both mode ? A<String, Value>  mode for simple usage, and
a typesafe mode, as you suggested (that means we will have two different
kind of map to store both elements).

I think two modes is one mode to much, it would confuse the user and the
typesafe aspect would be underminded by the<String, Value>  mode.

As a user, having to create a new instance to hold the key and value might be seen as heavy, don't you think ?

session.set(new AttributeKey<String>(String.class,"myKey"),"myAttribute");

is a bit more complex than

session.set( "myKey", "myAttribute" );

Or is it just me ?

(don't get me wrong, I understand the rational behind your proposal, it's far superior than what I currently propose, but I'm not sure the extra complexity worth it... Just my personal opinion, here).

thoughts ?

Emmanuel Lécharny

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