See SSHD-652...

------ Original Message ------
From: XXX
Sent: 20-Feb-16 12:19:17
Subject: Re: CloseFuture listener alternative to channel.waitFor()

Please open a JIRA issue at and specify the scenario that would require such an API. Please note that when you call Channel#close, the return value is a CloseFuture to which one can add listeners. Also, the ClientChannel has a waitFor method that can be used to wait for the CHANNEL_CLOSED event. Furthermore, you can register a ChannelListener whose #channelClosed method will be called. Given so many ways to receive asynchronous information about a channel being closed, why expose the internal CloseFuture ?

------ Original Message ------
From: "Bean, Michael (Nokia - US)" <>
Sent: 19-Feb-16 21:31:43
Subject: CloseFuture listener alternative to channel.waitFor()

I need non-blocking means to wait for client request to complete.

With sshd-core-1.1.0 and reflection I can get to gracefulFuture field of AbstractChannel and register a listener:
s_closeFutureField = AbstractChannel.class.getDeclaredField( "gracefulFuture" );
                    s_closeFutureField.setAccessible( true );
            timeout = commandEndTime - System.currentTimeMillis();
            DefaultCloseFuture closeFuture;
closeFuture = (DefaultCloseFuture) s_closeFutureField.get( channel );
            catch ( IllegalAccessException e )
                throw new RuntimeException( e );
            //CloseFuture closeFuture = channel.getCloseFuture();
CloseListener closeListener = new CloseListener( workItem, sc, channel, out ); AlarmHandler alarmHandler = new AlarmHandler( closeListener ); Alarm alarm = getContext().getAlarmFactory().getAlarm( alarmHandler, timeout );
            closeListener.setAlarm( alarm );
            closeFuture.addListener( closeListener );

            sc = null;
            return workItem.makeSuspend( "Waiting..." );

Could getCloseFuture() method be added to AbstractChannel?



-- Michael Bean (Mike)
Nokia - US
AAA Product Group
3461 Robin Ln, Ste 1
Cameron Park, CA 95682
Phone: 1 530 350 6564
Fax:   1 530 676 3442

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