OK, will open a JIRA issue and try to get a test case. It might very well be a race condition, but the question is why it is manifesting every time I run the test suite with MINA 2.0.14 and never with 2.0.13.
Will keep you updated.


On 21/09/16 14:48, Emmanuel Lécharny wrote:
Le 21/09/16 à 13:17, Christoph John a écrit :

do you need any more information from my side? Should I create a JIRA
issue? The problem can be reproduced with QuickFIX/J code but I could
check if can condense a MINA-only test case if required.
A test case would be very valuable, and, yes, a JIRA will definitvely help.

My take on this issue is that if both the client and the server close
the session more or less at the same time, one side will hang, due to
some race condition.

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