*   The SSHClient class itself has a main method that can give some ideas how 
to initialize the code and use it (ditto for SftpCommand and DefaultScpClient)
  *   The https://github.com/apache/mina-sshd/  site has quite a few examples 
of how to setup client/server code for different purposes
  *   The various unit tests in the project have plenty of examples of how to 
achieve almost any possible feature

"SSH client code" is a very wide topic - dozens of features - if there is some 
specific task I would be glad to give more pointers as to how to achieve it


From: José María Roldán Gil <josemaria.rol...@telcaria.com>
Sent: Monday, January 8, 2018 9:52 AM
To: dev@mina.apache.org
Subject: Apache Mina SSHD Client Code Example

I am trying to develop an example code in a java application to issue some
remote commands using SSH. I am looking for an example of a client, but I
can not find it. Do you have one?
Thank you

*José María Roldán Gil*
Research Engineer

*Telcaria Ideas SL*

Calle Barrionuevo 8, Local 1

28911 Leganés (Madrid)


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