I have read the proposed changes and I agree in principle, although the
suggested re-factoring feels a bit too extensive.

>>  remove a few interfaces which are not actually used, i.e. they've been
introduced because various classes have methods with similar signatures,
but there's no real concept behind

I disagree with the characterization that they do not have a "real concept
behind them" they represent contracts of entities that have similar
attributes. IMO, all the various *XxxHolder*(s) represent an entity that
provides whatever these "attribute" interfaces hold. This allows for a
level of abstraction that I find very useful - not to mention enforcing
certain behavior (as interfaces do). I can go along with perhaps reducing
some of them, but certainly not most of them. Furthermore, since they are
very "narrow" interfaces, they allow users to provide an implementation
that does not "drag" in a bulky object. E.g., if one defines a method as
accepting a *ClientSessionHolder* it simply tells the user that it will
need a *ClientSession* - regardless of where it originates - and there are
many such holders in our code. By removing these "markers" we would be
forced to un-necessarily ask for "bulkier" objects than necessary. These
interfaces makes mocking, proxying, overriding behavior etc.. - as well as
useful containers for default and static helper methods that are common too
all such holders.

>>  remove the usage of java.nio.channels.Channel which is overused

Agree in principal, but IMO we should keep it for any "pipe" that carries
information or provides API(s) for it since this is what a *Channel* is
(IMO). Certainly sessions, channels, streams, SCP/SFTP clients, SFTP opaque
file handles, etc... satisfy this condition. It is also a very convenient
standard way to provide a *Closeable* interface + *isOpen()* indicator. I
do agree though that perhaps it has been used in contexts other than "data
pipes" and in these cases a better definition should be provided - however,
let's not remove its usage altogether without discriminating between the
valid cases and the invalid ones.

>>>  introduce an ExecutorService, extending the usual
java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService and the
org.apache.sshd.common.Closeable interfaces and refactor all the usage to
use this interface instead of conveying both the ExecutorService along with

100% in favor



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