>> When working on an existing repo and modifying the .gitattributes, you
may need to use the --renormalize option as indicated in
fix the line endings.
>> After running git add --renormalize . , I only have the BCrypt.java file 
>> which
definitely has incorrect line endings.
>> Could you try a clean repo and/or using the --renormalize option ?

I was able to achieve what is required using the '--renormalize; option -
see https://github.com/apache/mina-sshd/pull/125

For future reference - my .gitconfig settings are:

    eol = lf
    autocrlf = false
    filemode = false

Can you give the branch
https://github.com/lgoldstein/mina-sshd/tree/SSHD-978 a try on your host
and let me know if there are any issues on your end ?
You may need to do as recommended in the link you sent me...
Please note that my host is Windows - if you can try this on a Linux it
would help (I have a VirtualBox Ubuntu that I will try but it may take

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