Hi Apache MINA SSHD Project team,

Thanks for creating MINA SSHD. It help me a lot on my current project.
Recently, I am using mina sshd library 2.3.0 to mock an ssh server for testing 
One of our service provider only provide ssh command through exec channel. So 
the client source need a mock server on test case.
This mock server will receive command through ssh exec channel and response 
result. Because I can't actually execute the command during test case, I need 
to send a dummy response directly by java code.
I have setup the simple ssh server by following code and successfully execute 
the command on server side. But I don't know how to send dummy response within 
the SSHD framework.
Can any expert help me on this case? If I am trying the incorrect way, please 
feel free to tell I am wrong.
Any response is appreciated. Thank you!


Attached the code below.

    public void startSshServer() throws IOException {
        SshServer sshd = SshServer.setUpDefaultServer();
        sshd.setKeyPairProvider(new SimpleGeneratorHostKeyProvider(new 
        sshd.setPasswordAuthenticator((u, p, s) -> true);
        sshd.setPublickeyAuthenticator((s, publicKey, serverSession) -> true);
        sshd.setCommandFactory(new ProcessShellCommandFactory());
        sshd.setCommandFactory((channelSession, command) -> {
            System.out.println("command:" + command);
            Command cmd = 
ProcessShellCommandFactory.INSTANCE.createCommand(channelSession, command);
            return cmd;

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