Hi Gary

I think it is a great point. I can work with you and other devs who are 
interested to draft the documentation.

A well written document will help devs like me to have a clear picture on 
roadmap, design, and technical details of our project. It also helps to attract 
other devs like Niall from the community to contribute to our project.


From: Gang(Gary) Wang <ga...@apache.org>
Sent: Friday, September 8, 2017 10:10 AM
To: dev@mnemonic.incubator.apache.org
Subject: [DISCUSS] Improve the technical documentation

As Niall mentioned suggestion and issues on MNEMONIC-360
<https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/MNEMONIC-360>, I think we need put
more efforts on technical documentation after the release of
0.9.0-incubating. so I create this DISCUSS thread for discussion about
where and how to improve it. please join us and help us to prioritize the
next work items. Thanks!

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