On Wed, Aug 02, 2017 at 12:27:52AM -0700, Henri Yandell wrote:
> Following up on this - the first 3 reports in a new podling, or a new TLP
> PMC, are made monthly. Then it moves to quarterly.
> So MXNet doesn't have to report monthly again until it graduates.
> The quarterly cycle for MXNet is:
>    - January, April, July, October

Where can one find this information:


... a bit hidden, column D lists in which group of months the podling
is supposed to report. At least this is where I would look, I'm sure
there are a couple other pages listing this information as well except
many I found a couple minutes ago after googling for them yielded a
404 :/

Hope this helps,

Sorry for any typos: Mail was typed in vim, written in mutt, via ssh (most 
likely involving some kind of mobile connection only.)

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