Hey folks,


Today AWS announced contributing ONNX-MXNet, an open source Python package that 
imports ONNX models into MXNet. @roshrini and I (@lupesko) have worked on the 
code, which is now publicly available [1], and published a blog post 
demonstrating usage of the package [2]. Special thanks to dmlc/nnvm team, whose 
ONNX code was used as a reference for this implementation.


What is ONNX?

ONNX is an open source format to encode deep learning models. ONNX defines a 
format to store neural network's computational graph, as well as a storage 
format for operators used within a neural network graph. For more details, 
check out onnx.ai [3].


Why I think ONNX is important for MXNet?

ONNX is an emerging standard, that holds a lot of potential for Deep Learning 
practitioners. With ONNX, people can create and train a network with framework 
A, and deploy it for inference with framework B. The blog post we published 
demonstrates using a Super Res model trained with PyTorch, and importing it 
into MXNet Symbolic API for inference. I strongly believe that adopting ONNX 
early on adds value for deep learning practitioners, and thus supporting it 
adds value for MXNet as well.


As for next steps, I was thinking that porting the functionality and code into 
MXNet is the logical next step.

Would love to get the community's feedback and contributions!


[1] https://github.com/onnx/onnx-mxnet

[2] https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/ai/announcing-onnx-support-for-apache-mxnet/

[3] https://onnx.ai

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