I think its important to understand someone's day_job's customer is also a
user of MXNet. Right now MXNet project needs to put effort in helping users
and bringing them on-board. I don't think its a good idea to ask the
customer to come back after a new release is made or ask to use a fork.

With regards to CI test not running on a older branch, I don't think its Ok
to ditch a released branch just because a release was made. why are tests
not triggered when a PR is made on an older branch(regardless of new
feature or a bug fix) ?.

May be we should think about making minor releases on released branches.

On Mon, Mar 5, 2018 at 3:25 PM, Marco de Abreu <marco.g.ab...@googlemail.com
> wrote:

> Hello,
> we recently had a few cases in which it has been attempted to add new
> functionality to old branches because a customer of somebodys $DAY_JOB
> requested it and was unable to switch to the latest release or that certain
> feature did not make it into the release. This lead to quite a lot of
> discussions and there was no clear standing within the community.
> Just to cite semantic versioning:
>    1. MAJOR version when you make incompatible API changes,
>    2. MINOR version when you add functionality in a backwards-compatible
>    manner, and
>    3. PATCH version when you make backwards-compatible bug fixes.
> We as a community agreed on following this system and I think we should
> either stick to it or drop it entirely - exceptions to SemVer are usually
> discouraged. While I see that adding functionality might be a minor thing,
> I don't think that we should educate our users into expecting us to
> backport new features. The development happening on the Apache MXNet
> repository should not be influenced by something like this; especially
> considering that whoever supports that customer on their $DAY_JOB can
> assist them at creating a fork and cherrypicking that feature. But I don't
> see much reason why we're running against best pracitices. One important
> thing to note here is that we're not maintaining CI on old branches and
> neither are we making patch releases - so what do these users do? Compile
> off a stale development branch with unvalidated changes?
> In my opinion this whole topic is just causing trouble and fragementation
> on our end. If a features doesn't make it into the release (for whatever
> reason), so be it. But I think we should discuss this topic and emphasize a
> no-exceptions-rule to SemVer.
> Best regards,
> Marco

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