
Some of us here at Amazon as a part of our day job, are triaging Github
issues to find where MXNet users are experiencing difficulty and help the
community focus on those areas. This is done by assigning labels to the
Github issues. We do know that only labeling won’t solve the real problem
but we will expand our scope to also attempt to resolve the issues.
Categorizing issues could also help contributors and maintainers who know a
particular area to pick up the issue and help the user.

Right now, we just manually go through the issues. If they are questions,
we redirect users to start a discussion on discuss forum, find the
appropriate labels and then ask one of the committers to add those labels.
This process is not very smooth as its completely manual and every time we
need to ask committers to add labels.

We want to be able to automate/simplify this issue labeling process.
Right now, as far as I know, there's no way for non-committers to add
labels. So, I want to propose two options:

- Using a separate account having minimum permissions to run the bot script
which will do the labeling. For this, we will need an account to be created
from Apache infrastructure with proper access and they can control the
access for the account through

- Using one of the committers auth token to run the script.

Please let me know if you have any other ideas to do this.


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