Hi all,

My name is Carl Tsai, I’m an intern working with the Amazon MXNet engine
team. For the past several weeks, I’ve been working with my mentor Hao Jin
on an automatic flaky test detection system. As you may know, there’s an
ongoing effort to reduce the number of flaky tests in the code base, and
this flaky test detector is meant to help ensure that these efforts will
have a long-lasting impact on the quality of our tests.

This is an automated tool that will be run on PR checks to detect flaky
tests before we merge them. It will check PRs for new and modified test
cases and run them through a flakiness checker so that we can have high
confidence that our tests are not flaky. There’s a design overview on
I’d be happy to hear any feedback!

In the meantime, one of the components, the flakiness checker, has been
merged under the tools/ folder and I’d encourage those of you who are
working on flaky tests or writing new tests to try it out. Documentation
can be found on the confluence page for the project as well as on the
Test Results Page
under tips and tricks, and I’m open to suggestions on how to improve it.



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