+1 (binding)

On 05.11.18 11:29, Carin Meier wrote:
This is a procedural vote on whether to separate the committer and PPMC
levels in the project. The current state is that a user is considered as
both a committer and a PPMC member at the same time. This vote is to change
that to be able to invite a person in as a committer separately from a PPMC

Document reference:

Discussion thread:

The vote will be a procedural issue vote as defined

Votes on procedural issues follow the common format of majority rule unless
otherwise stated. That is, if there are more favourable votes than
unfavourable ones, the issue is considered to have passed -- regardless of
the number of votes in each category. (If the number of votes seems too
small to be representative of a community consensus, the issue is typically
not pursued. However, see the description of lazy consensus
<https://www.apache.org/foundation/voting.html#LazyConsensus> for a
modifying factor.)

The vote will run until Friday Nov 9th at 6:00 am EST


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