I create a PR: https://github.com/apache/incubator-mxnet/pull/13322 to address 
this issue.

Updating CUB submodule URL will impact every developer. The recommended 
command: "git submodule update" won't work. Developer has to run "git submodule 
sync" first.

To reduce impact for developer, I deleted CUB and added a new submodule 
nvidia_cub. With this workaround, developer can get update with "git submodule 
update". The only side effect is, there will be a cub folder left in local disk 
untracked. User can delete it manually.

On 2018/08/24 17:00:54, Hagay Lupesko <lupe...@gmail.com> wrote: 
> Hi all,
> One of MXNet’s submodule dependencies is a snapshot of Nvidia Cub (
> https://github.com/dmlc/cub) – the snapshot is of an older version of Cub
> (1.7), while the latest Nvidia Cub release is 1.8.  Note that dmlc/cub has
> no customizations of the source Cub repo.
> I’d like to suggest to update the existing Cub submodule to Nvidia’s Cub
> repo. Instead of the snapshot, MXNet will be using Nvidia’s repo and the
> latest release (both repos have the same BSD-3 license, so licensing should
> not be an issue).
> Wanted to get feedback from the community to make sure I'm not missing
> anything.
> if there are no objections I'll submit a PR for the change.
> Cheers,
> Hagay

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