## Description
In MxNet 2.0, we would like to provide a distribution module, analogous to 
Pytorch distribution. The main difference from theirs is that we use numpy op 
and it allows hybridization. The current project code can be seen from 

The basic skeleton divides into following parts:

1. Stochastic `HybridBlock` and `HybridSequential`: they build upon gluon 
`HybridBlock` and `HybridSequential` and allows adding extra loss to each layer.
2. Distribution class: it implements a variety of functionalities including 
`prob`, `log_prob`, `sample`, `broadcast_to`, `mean`, `variance`, etc.
3. KL divergence: `kl_divergence(p, q)` function searches over registered KL 
divergence functions and performs computation.
4. Transform: transform one distribution to another invertible distribution.
5. Independent: reinterprets some of the batch dims of a distribution as event 

Two features that is currently either not supported or kind of broken in MxNet 
will be very useful to this projects: symbolic shape and control flow.

At the moment, we will implement most of distribution in frontend. We will move 
the computation to backend when new numpy probability ops such as `chisquare`, 
`dirichlet` and `multivariate_normal` are introduced into MxNet.

## References
- https://pytorch.org/docs/stable/distributions.html
- https://docs.scipy.org/doc/numpy-1.14.1/reference/routines.random.html

@xidulu @szha @leezu @haojin2 

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