Hi Denis,

Could this bot be smart enough to first do the sanity pipeline (to catch stuff 
like lint errors etc.) before launching the full thing?


On 2020/02/12 18:12:07, "Davydenko, Denis" <dzianis.davydze...@gmail.com> 
> Hello, MXNet dev community,
> As you all know, the experience with CI infrastructure isn’t ideal in spite 
> of its high cost. For this reason, we’re proposing the following changes to 
> improve stability, reduce cost, and grant more control to contributors. As we 
> work in a refresh of CI, we believe these changes will reduce the pain we all 
> suffer when we try to push a PR through the system.
> Following is the list of changes:
> Fix missing status reports between GH and Jenkins
> Update Jenkins permission groups to re-trigger builds
> Introduce per-PR CI bot
> Details:
> - Fix missing status reports
> Currently, once commit gets added to PR - the CI is run on that added commit. 
> Sometimes, CI run status is missing from the commit in Github despite having 
> completed in Jenkins. Example: CI run: 
> http://jenkins.mxnet-ci.amazon-ml.com/blue/organizations/jenkins/mxnet-validation%2Funix-cpu/detail/PR-17376/17/pipeline,
>  commit status in github (missing unix-cpu, unix-gpu and windows-gpu 
> statuses): 
> https://github.com/apache/incubator-mxnet/pull/17376#partial-pull-merging.
> Problem: There seems to be a bug where some status reports are missing on 
> Github. The hypothesis is that there is some issue with Github Hooks.
> - Update Jenkins permission groups to re-trigger builds
> Problem: Currently, only MXNet Committers and selected people from AWS have 
> the ability to re-trigger CI runs on PRs. This leaves the PR Authors waiting 
> for authorized users to re-trigger their PRs for them.
> Solution : Allow these membership categories Jenkins Admins, MXNet 
> Committers, and PR Authors to re-trigger PR builds.
> - Introduce per-PR CI bot
> Problem: As of date, MXNet CI is automated. It runs every time a commit is 
> pushed onto your Github PR. This results in lot of unnecessary CI runs apart 
> from added costs.
> Solution: Switch to Manual Trigger. Users from authorized groups (1 of the 3 
> categories mentioned above) can trigger CI run by adding a simple comment to 
> PR: “[mxnet-ci] run”. 
> --
> Thank you,
> AWS MXNet team

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