Hello MXNet community,

*If your PRs aren't targeted towards v1.* branches [v1.x for e.g.] then

For a few weeks, we've witnessed timeouts for CI unix-gpu pipelines
specifically on PRs targeted towards v1.x branch. This was in connection
with the unix-gpu pipeline for v1.x not running on the updated unix-gpu

Identifying this, I cherry-picked the unix-gpu toolchain update PR from
master to v1.x: #18785
<https://github.com/apache/incubator-mxnet/pull/18785>. Refer original PR
#18186 <https://github.com/apache/incubator-mxnet/pull/18186> for details
about what's included as part of the unix-gpu toolchain upgrade.

The PR #18785 is currently waiting on a resolution by Apache Infra to
prevent merging master branch code into v1.x which got introduced as part
of enabling branch protection. Ticket: 20616

Once the PR gets merged, it should ease up the timeout issue.

Sorry for inconvenience caused by timeouts. Thanks for the continued
patience & incredible work contributing to MXNet project.


*Chaitanya Prakash Bapat*
*+1 (973) 953-6299*

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