Hi Sylvain

Thanks for your answer.

Sylvain Vieujot <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On Tue, 2005-08-02 at 17:09 +0200, Christian Egli wrote:
> > I would like to have a series of <x:inputHtml/> on one single
> > page. Now the docu for x:inputHtml says that "right now the support is
> > limited to one editor per page".
> > 
> > What is the reason that there is only support for one editor

> This is a limitation of the kupu code.

> If you want to help lift this limitation, you should look at kupu itself
> ( http://kupu.oscom.org/ ), and once it works with kupu, it souldn't be
> very hard to adjust myFaces.

I talked to the guys on irc and they claim that kupu can handle more
than one instance just fine. Apparently plone is making use of this
facility. From what I gather the problem lies in the initialization
code. Apparently kupu/plone/kupu_plone_layer/kupuploneinit.js does it
right. MyFaces apparently is using kupu/common/kupuinit.js. You would
probably know better.

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