
please open a jira issue for this.

Thank you

On 11/22/05, Erik J <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

This posting was previously sent to the "User" list, but since nobody
answered, I suppose it was the wrong forum. Sorry if this question doesn't
belong here either...

I would like to know if there is a way to change the behavior of how
Panelnavigation sets the different states (mypage, open and selected) of the
items in the navigationlist. What I would like to do is to make any link
clicked bold, nomatter which level it is on.

For example: If I first click on "Online Shop", I can make it bold since it
is of state "selected". If I then click"Product Information" it gets the
state "open" (which I can make bold), but "Online shop" remains "selected"
and thus still bold. Clicking items that has subitems doesn't make them
"selected", only "open". What i want is simply that nomatter which of them I
click, only that item gets the state "selected" so that only that item can
be make bold (and thereby distinguishable).

Does anyone know if this is possible to achieve? I guess that
HtmlCommandNavigation.class is part of the solution, but I don't know.

Thanks for your time,


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