My thinking on the externals was that we create a folder called
myfaces-maven (or something) and have externals that reorg everything
in the way that Maven wants.  This wouldn't be a permanent solution,
just a convenient way of building the latest and greatest without
copying everything outright everytime.

Another idea would be to copy the repository to the "test" area of the
SVN server (if it still exists) and then just start moving stuff
around and skip the external stuff.

I looked at Wendy's wiki.  That is another interesting approach.

Ultimately I need to know more about Maven and what it needs before I
can reach a personal conclusion on which method will work best.

I am hoping that we can cut down on all of the externals in the new
Maven way of doing things.  I like the "one build to rule them all"
approach but its a real PITA changing the externals for all of those
build dirs.  Ultimately I would like the only externals to be for the
TLD entities and stuff where its truly needed.

OK back to my Maven research ...


On 11/29/05, Wendy Smoak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 11/29/05, Sean Schofield <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > According to Wendy, its *much* easier to just change the structure to
> > adopt to Maven.  What I would like to do is set up a bunch of SVN
> > externals to link everything in the manner which Maven expects.  This
> > way we can build nightlies without changing the structure that
> > everyone else is dealing with.  I figure we can experiment and see
> > whether we can live with the reorg or not.
> >
> > What do you think?
> Did you get Colin's m2 build files?  I took a look at them and sent
> him some feedback, but that was a while ago.
> The svn:externals thing only works for directories, not individual
> files.  If that doesn't get you far enough, take a look at the Shale
> m2 build experiment.  I check out from svn and move everything around
> with a shell script:
> I'm sure there will be plenty of people at ApacheCon who can help. :)
> --
> Wendy

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