Congratulations Craig !

Dennis Byrne

>-----Original Message-----
>From: Sean Schofield [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Sent: Monday, February 20, 2006 03:30 PM
>To: 'MyFaces Development'
>Subject: New MyFaces Committer: Craig McClanahan
>Please welcome Craig McClanahan as our newest MyFaces committer.  Most
>of you are probably familiar with Craig's work as the original author
>of Struts.  Craig was also heavily involved in the original JSF
>specification.  No matter where you live, chances are he will be
>coming to a conference in your city/country soon to promote JSF!
>Craig is also the lead architect on Sun's Java Studio Creator 2 and is
>leading the effort on Struts Shale which leverages JSF.  He has been a
>valuable contributor on our mailing list for well over a year now and
>as an ASF member, has agreed to be the mentor for the ADF incubator
>project.  He has also stated an interest in making the Tomahawk
>components compatible with Studio Creator.
>Welcome aboard Craig.  We're glad to "officially" have you on the team now.

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