My copy of Pro JSF and Ajax showed up on Friday, and I sat down to
read it this weekend.  I had put it on preorder, based only on the
credibility built up by reading the author's posts on JSF.

Below is the review I posted on Amazon.  I believe that this book will
be on the bookshelf of anyone writing JSF components.  Congrats to
Jonas and John on a job well done.



The first round of books on JSF were survey books that attempt to
cover all of this complex, sophisticated framework.  Pro JSF and Ajax
focuses on one important facet of JSF -- component development -- and
does it well.

It starts with a quick overview of the major architectural elements of
JSF, and then quickly moves to building custom components in Chapter
2.  The first component built is a simple date entry component;  a
second, more sophisticated example is a 'deck' implementation (a deck
is a collapsing navigational/browsing UI element).

The authors then provide a succinct overview of client side rich
internet technologies -- Ajax, XUL (supported by Firefox) and HTC (the
DHTML behavior language that is supported by Internet Explorer).  They
then deploy these technologies to build rich client versions of the
date and deck components.

The book does a good job of bridging the gap between JSF 1.1 and 1.2
implementations;  the code in the book targets 1.1, but discusses how
implementation would differ in 1.2.

For someone starting out developing in JSF, I'd recommend this book in
combination with the strong survey of JSF in JavaServer Faces by Hans

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