On Sat, Jul 5, 2008 at 5:35 AM, Mario Ivankovits <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi!
>> One possible enhancement to the error handling feature of myfaces could be
>> the capability of redirect to a jsf page.
> Any concrete use-case for this, or just yet another "cool-we-can-make-it"
> thingy? ;-)

The idea could be create a custom exception hierarchy for a selected app.
Then use the previous idea to define how to manage each exception properly.

When you do custom apps, it is common to handle this type of exceptions on
the beans and take the proper actions inside it. This proposal could make
easier handle this scenarios (Think on the possible alternatives of a custom
action between several pages, example: a page to query some data and if no
data found throw DataNotFoundException, so redirect to a page xxx or
something like that).

Obviously, there are other alternatives to do the same (handle errors). But
the only way to know which option is better is trial and error.

This feature could be on sandbox (after all, this is the place for trial and
error). But I'm not very sure about this idea, maybe let it in another

> Seriously, what's wrong with the error page capabilities of the webapp
> container?
> Instead of error-code you can have error-type. Never used, tough.
> Probably it would be enough to learn the Faces-Servlet to unwrap the real
> exception instead of introduce another error handling stuff.
> Even this I'd do with a Faces-Servlet wrapper, more like a general purpose
> exception-unwrapper-servlet so that this can work with Mojarra and whatever.

> Ciao,
> Mario

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