Hey mike,

I agree that we should try to get an *alpha* out of the door.

Main mantra is: release often, release early

q: what is the state on the facelets support, currently ?


On Mon, Jun 8, 2009 at 2:11 PM, Michael Concini<mconc...@gmail.com> wrote:
> All,
> I thought it might be a good time to raise the issue of solidifying a plan
> for the MyFaces 2.0 alpha release now that we've had a little time to work
> with the release candidate draft of the spec.  What are the thoughts in the
> community with respect to what should be included in an alpha release as
> well as what the time frame should be for a release.  If we can come up with
> a target date as well as specific 2.0 features we want to target for
> inclusion, that should help in prioritizing the remaining work.
> From my end, I'd love to see a working runtime in some form by the end of
> August if that's reasonable.  As for content, that is definitely more of an
> open question. Here is my top list of what I would like to see be at least
> partially functional for an alpha release.
> -backwards compatibility with JSF 1.x apps
> -base support for facelets and composite components
> -AJAX support (should hopefully be in pretty good shape here thanks to
> Ganesh and team)
> -System event support
> -Partial view traversal
> Thoughts/concerns/objections?
> -Mike

Matthias Wessendorf

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