
I understand that requirement but isn't it EL coercion task ? :


and from UISelectMany.validateValue JavaDoc:

" ...Before comparing each option, coerce the option value type to the
type of this component's value following the Expression Language
coercion rules ..."


Martin Kočí

Jakob Korherr píše v Pá 27. 08. 2010 v 15:31 +0200:
> Hi Martin,
> The purpose of this conversion is that the value of the SelectItems
> may be a String, but the real (already converted) value of the
> UISelectMany may be something else, e.g. Float. Imagine the following
> scenario:
> <h:selectManyCheckbox value="#{myBean.inputFloatArray}">
>             <f:selectItem itemValue="1.1" />
>             <f:selectItem itemValue="1.2" />
>             <f:selectItem itemValue="1.3" />
> </h:selectManyCheckbox>
> The itemValues of all SelectItems are Strings, but the UISelectMany
> points to a property which is of type Float[]. Now because of the fact
> that all Strings can be converted into Floats, this scenario must
> work.
> If you now take a look at _SelectItemsUtil.matchValue(), you can see
> that not the component's value, but the value of the SelectItem is
> converted via the _ValueConverter:
> SelectItem item = selectItemsIter.next();
> Object itemValue = item.getValue();
> if(converter != null && itemValue instanceof String)
> {
>     itemValue = converter.getConvertedValue(context,
> (String)itemValue);
> }
> and then matched against the real value (again which is e.g. Float):
> if (value==itemValue || value.equals(itemValue))
> {
>     return true;
> }
> Furthermore the converter has to be invoked with the wrapped String in
> a String[], because UISelectMany.getConvertedValue() needs a
> submittedValue of type String[].
> Is this clear for you or should I explain it in more detail?
> Regards,
> Jakob
> 2010/8/27 Martin Koci <martin.k...@aura.cz>
>         Hi,
>         what is the purpose of _SelectItemsUtil._ValueConverter in
>         UISelectMany.validateValue(FacesContext, Object) ?
>         Two weird things:
>         1) it wraps value into new String[] { value }
>         2) it calls UISelectMany.this.getConvertedValue and it leads
>         to
>         Rendered.getConvertedValue call
>         I don't see sence in  call of
>         UISelectMany.this.getConvertedValue
>         because this already done: we are in method validateValue here
>         and
>         conversion with Renderer.getConvertedValue is done already.
>         This causes
>         calls to Renderer.getConvertedValue during process validation
>         which is
>         unintented I think.
>         Regards,
>         Martin Kočí
> -- 
> Jakob Korherr
> blog: http://www.jakobk.com
> twitter: http://twitter.com/jakobkorherr
> work: http://www.irian.at

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