
+1 for a cleanup of the import packages
Also the ranges of EL or Servlet needs an update

Am Samstag, 30. September 2017 schrieb Paul Nicolucci :

> Hello
> I was looking over the 2.3.x/impl/pom.xml http://svn.apache.org/viewvc/
> myfaces/core/branches/2.3.x/impl/pom.xml?view=log and noticed we still
> have the following entry in the <Import-Package>:
> *org.apache.commons.collections.map;version="[3.2.0, 4.0.0)",*
> It looks like we removed commons.collections dependenceis in the following
> JIRA: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/MYFACES-4135.
> Is there any reason to still have the import?
> If no objections I'll commit a fix.
> Thanks,
> Paul Nicolucci

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