
TA>> Yep, it's not a bug but a good improvement. Personally i would only do
TA>> it in 2.3.

I agree, only 2.3.

TA>> As i already explained, i removed those classes as "sequence" view-id
TA>> generator must not be used anymore.

I'm confused about this term "view-id". It is similar to JSF viewId, which
is the path of the view. Let's do some recap.

In server side state saving we use a token. This token is composed of:

- A session counter.
- viewId or related hashCode.
- (optional) a random number.

In JSF 1.1 the full viewId path was saved with a sequence to be able to
identify the right view state in the collection. Later the viewId was
changed with a hash code, because the viewId was too large, and we needed
a smaller token.

The idea behind a random number was the token should not be easily guessed.
Well, it is not a requirement, since the token is mac-encoded and encrypted.
But generate a random number is slow in some systems and JDK versions
Sun-Oracle JDKs). That's the reason why the random number is not by default,
because it is not possible.

There are fast random number generators but remember, to make it safe it
should not be possible to guess it, well if you have plans to disable
encryption. So, there is an option to use a "secureRandom" number generator.

TA>> My reasons to merge both classes are that we already have a artifact
TA>> which handles client side state, and we already have a artifact which
TA>> handles server side state.

TA>> Maybe "Cache" is not a 100% perfect name but it's ok IMO. We could
TA>> still search for another name, which would be a very very small
TA>> improvement. There is no reason to e.g. use a
TA>> ClientSide-StateTokenProcessor with a ServerSide-StateCache.
TA>> Thereis one big mechanism for server-side state and one for
TA>> client-side state. How to render it and how to create/restore it,
TA>> are both sides of the medal.

I can remember this issue:

Mixed mode(Server+client) for state saving

It is a long discussion, but the point is that a mixed mode is possible.
The work done in the API was meant to go towards that goal. The state
saving algorithm is something really hard to customize. I strongly feel
StateTokenProcessor has a lot of sense. The key point is maybe the
state saving mode has something to say about how the token is processed.
In this case, the key info is tell the processor that the token must
not be serialized.


Leonardo Uribe

2017-12-19 15:21 GMT-05:00 Thomas Andraschko <andraschko.tho...@gmail.com>:

> Yep, it's not a bug but a good improvement. Personally i would only do it
> in 2.3.
> As i already explained, i removed those classes as "sequence" view-id
> generator must not be used anymore.
> My reasons to merge both classes are that we already have a artifact which
> handles client side state, and we already have a artifact which handles
> server side state.
> Maybe "Cache" is not a 100% perfect name but it's ok IMO. We could still
> search for another name, which would be a very very small improvement.
> There is no reason to e.g. use a ClientSide-StateTokenProcessor with a
> ServerSide-StateCache.
> Thereis one big mechanism for server-side state and one for client-side
> state. How to render it and how to create/restore it, are both sides of the
> medal.
> 2017-12-19 21:09 GMT+01:00 Leonardo Uribe <lu4...@gmail.com>:
>> Hi
>> There are some changes in MYFACES-4133 (2.3.x branch) that is required to
>> be
>> discussed on dev list and not on jira.
>> MYFACES-4133 is all about refactor the existing state API to avoid the
>> java
>> token serialization. I have already stated this is an improvement, not a
>> bug,
>> but since there is a lot of interest in this point I would like to expose
>> the
>> ideas behind the existing API.
>> The change proposed removes these classes:
>> StateTokenProcessor
>> IntIntSerializedViewKey
>> CounterSessionViewStorageFactory
>> IntByteArraySerializedViewKey
>> CounterKeyFactory
>> And the addition of some methods in StateCache:
>> public abstract Object decodeStateToken(FacesContext facesContext, String
>> token);
>> public abstract String encodeStateToken(FacesContext facesContext, Object
>> savedStateObject);
>> public boolean isStatelessToken(FacesContext facesContext, String token)
>> The first problem here is StateCache abstraction.
>> "... provides an interface to separate the state caching operations
>> (saving/restoring) from the renderkit specific stuff that
>> HtmlResponseStateManager should do. ..."
>> Token serialization is HtmlResponseStateManager stuff, specifically
>> related to
>> the render step.
>> StateTokenProcessor was deleted but this interface had the following
>> methods:
>> public abstract Object decode(FacesContext facesContext, String token);
>> public abstract String encode(FacesContext facesContext, Object
>> savedStateObject);
>> public abstract boolean isStateless(FacesContext facesContext, String
>> token);
>> My first question is what's the reason of merge StateTokenProcessor and
>> StateCache? What's the advantage?
>> Well, I can see one, StateCache has a logic related to client-server
>> state saving.
>> Server side state saving uses a counter as token, client side state
>> saving
>> encodes the view state inside the token.
>> But still I think StateTokenProcessor has life on its own. Am I missing
>> something?
>> regards,
>> Leonardo Uribe

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