Hi Team,

Am stuck at trying to install Blinky firmware on a custom nRF52832 board (not 
using any peripherals apart from 1 GPIO (LED_1)).

The sequence of events which am doing and the results are as follows.

1.      Connect Segger and Erase Device.
2.      Load nrf52_boot
3.      Load nrf52_blinky
4.      nRF starts blinking the LED.
5.      Restart ( remove power and reconnect power )
6.      nRF is no longer blinking the LED.

1.      Connect Segger and Erase Device
2.      Load nRF SDK Blinky
3.      nRF starts blinking the LED
4.      Restart ( remove power and reconnect power )
5.      nRF starts blinking the LED.

Am I missing something?

Aditya Xavier.

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