no one using sntp?

Am 18.07.2018 um 18:54 schrieb Jan Clement:
Hello All,

i tried to get sntp client from lwip stack up and running today and stumbled over some little problems and questions i would like to share with you:

To start the sntp service I wrote:

  ip_addr_t ntp_server;
  IP4_ADDR(&ntp_server.u_addr.ip4, 94, 16, 116, 137);//
  sntp_setserver(0, &ntp_server);

But the callback function, called by the stack upon receive of the packet is defined as follows in lwip/apps/sntp_ops.h:

#if !defined SNTP_SET_SYSTEM_TIME || defined __DOXYGEN__

And nothing happens.

So I commented this out, and added
  extern void SNTP_SET_SYSTEM_TIME(uint32_t t);
to sntp.c.

in my code i defined
void SNTP_SET_SYSTEM_TIME(uint32_t t) {

     ntptime.tv_sec = t * 1000;
     ntptime.tv_usec = 0;
     console_printf("SNTP time from server: %ld \r\n", t);
     os_settimeofday(&ntptime, NULL);

And this works as expected and I get the correct ntp time stamp!

What would be a good and proper way to implement the callback function?

Another problem is, that os_gettimeofday(&daytime, NULL); gives weird results:

005104 Time = 21474836480
006104 Time = 25769803776
007104 Time = 30064771072
008104 Time = 34359738368
009104 Time = 38654705664
010104 Time = 42949672960
010134 SNTP time from server: 1531932280
(** syncronization happened)
010136 Date: 18.6.2018  16:44:40

after the sync this is the ouput:
011104 Time = 6579599043818647160
012104 Time = 6579599048113614456
013104 Time = 6579599052408581752
014104 Time = 6579599056703549048

any ideas?



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