I realize I am a bit late with these comments but better late than never I 
guess. Well, maybe some or all of these comments should never be made :-) This 
could be a horrible idea but why not just make it backward incompatible? (for 
#2). Maybe have a syscfg for folks that want to use the old format in the code? 
I would even consider making all entries have a two-byte CRC (regardless of 
length of data written). I presume the resume that it was one-byte was to save 
flash space? Heck, maybe even allow the syscfg to specify a 32-bit CRC (for 
those with lots of flash and/or really do not want a false positive to occur).

> On Jul 26, 2018, at 5:10 AM, marko kiiskila <ma...@runtime.io> wrote:
> Hi,
> there’s few issues with FCB which I need to fix.
> 1) Compressing flash sector in the middle of write.
> Currently the cycle of operation is expected to be the following:
> fcb_append() -> get offset to write data to
> flash_area_write() -> write data
> fcb_append_finish() -> writes CRC etc
> This is not too great if the location returned by fcb_append() gets rotated 
> to be
> scratch area before fcb_append_finish() is called. Which is quite possible
> if you’re using FCB to store logs, and data comes from different tasks.
> 2) CRC is 1 byte only. It’s ok for short config entries, but for longer things
> (log entries) is not good enough.
> To fix 1 I was going to add linkage to fcb_entry such that FCB can track
> of incomplete writes, and add a write routine which should be used when
> doing the write.
> Issue 2 is a little bit more cumbersome. I want to be able to at least
> allow backwards compatibility, where code figures out from data in
> the flash which CRC format is there. But then be able to switch to
> 16 bit CRC format as new flash areas are written. Or keep using
> the old format, because you want to do downgrade to old SW version
> if necessary.
> So that’s what I’m currently thinking of trying to achieve. Let me know
> if you guys have other things to take into consideration here.

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