
What is the proper way in NimBLE to restrict all access to a BLE
peripheral - the peripheral should be accessible only from a single
previously bounded central?

I want to disable all anonymous access, as well as the ability to make any
new pairings or bondings.
This should be done in a security aware way (that cannot be bypassed by
violating BLE protocol, sending custom packets etc.).

Currently I have the following questions:
1. In the BLE_GAP_EVENT_CONNECT handler I have added
"ble_gap_security_initiate(event->connect.conn_handle);" (without quotes).
Is this the proper way to disable all anonymous access (except reading
information that is broadcasted in the advertisements)?
2. What is the proper way to disable any new bondings and pairings (all
connections that aren't using keys loaded into memory by calls to
ble_store_write_our_sec(), ble_store_write_peer_sec(),
"ble_gap_terminate(event->passkey.conn_handle, BLE_ERR_AUTH_FAIL);"
(without quotes).
In the BLE_GAP_EVENT_REPEAT_PAIRING handler add "return
In the BLE_GAP_EVENT_IDENTITY_RESOLVED handler add calls
to ble_gap_conn_find() and ble_store_read_peer_sec() that check
whether ble_store_read_peer_sec() can find the key for peer_id_addr from
the ble_gap_conn_desc filled by ble_gap_conn_find(). In case the key cannot
be found, "ble_gap_terminate(event->identity_resolved.conn_handle,
BLE_ERR_AUTH_FAIL);" (without quotes) is called.
Are these things the correct way to disable all new pairings and bondings?
Does anything else need to be done to disable all new pairings and bondings?
3. Is calling ble_gap_terminate() the proper way to terminate a
rogue connection?
4. Is there anything else that needs to be done to secure the NimBLE based
peripheral from any kind of access that is not coming from the previously
bonded central?

P.S. I am using a fork (
), however my questions are about NimBLE in general (about how it
should work).


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