
I'm working on getting blinky a bit more developed as an initial
project.  First part of that is getting console running on sim, which
I have working.

One thing I've been looking at, is the hal_uart starts an OS task when
initialized.  The priority of that task, and stack size is defined by
the MCU definition (e.g. hw/mcu/native, or hw/stm, etc.)

I think task priorities are something that should be defined on a
per-project level.  From what I can see, there are two options for
doing this:

1- Have the individual packages expect a #define from the project, in
the following format:


  os_task_init(OS_PRIO_UART, ..)

   #define OS_PRIO_UART (10)

This could be enforced using our capabilities concept, where the
package would req_capability: os_cfg, and the project would provide

2- The init function could take the priority to start the task at.
So, when hal_uart_init_cbs() is called, it would take two additional
arguments the priority, and stack size.  Anything that creates a task,
would be called directly from the project, with these arguments.
(uart code needs a little refactoring to make this easy, but should be

I'm leaning slightly towards option #2, as I don't like messing with
defines.  That said, #1 is much more common, and they way that other
operating systems do it (I think, so that all priorities are defined
in a single header file, and you don't have to look through the code
to find them.)

What do folks think?


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