On 2/4/16 7:55 PM, Justin Mclean wrote:

If you'd like to create an overall shout-out, then go for it. The
Subversion project does this, and uses the same file to track partial
commit (as Mynewt has adopted). See:

Apache Flex does this a little differently and names people by release:

(Note this includes people who are not committers, the idea behind it was to 
encourage them to become so.)

But it not a requirement and each PMC can decide on how to or not do it.

This seems good to me.

At some point it seems like we'll want MAINTAINERS, as there is a fair amount of specialization (an OS is technically very broad.) But I guess we can start breaking things into sub-projects when we hit that problem. (*)


(*) As an example, net/nimble is the _first_ open-source Bluetooth stack (both Host & Controller) for MCUs. Given contributor bandwidth, IMO it makes sense to bundle governance in with Mynewt, but over time I could imagine this being MCU agnostic and being its own Apache project in the Mynewt ecosystem.

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