Hi Kevin,

On 23 Aug 2016, at 16:21, Kevin Townsend wrote:

Hi Will,

You've probably already included this in the spi_config struct, but just in case I wanted to make sure you can dynamically change the SPI speed even after the spi bus has been initialized once?

The use case I have in mind is SD cards communicating over the SPI bus where you need to start the communication at a fairly slow clock speed, and once everything is setup you can jump to a much faster clock. I'm sure it's already in there though.

The callbacks below seem sensible to me based on the drivers I've written in the past.

Being able to bit-bang SPI at a lower level with any GPIO pins would be a nice plus, but hardly a deal breaker and that is a layer lower anyway.

Agree with all the other comments, just wanted to +1 this last part.

I think this belongs in a higher layer SPI driver, that can either bitbang (using hal_gpio*) or use hal_spi. Marko did something similar with UART, generating 9600 baud, because the Arduino Primo boards use Nordic’s (1!) UART to talk with the ESP8266.



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